Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Traditional Diets in Asia Pacific and Implications for Health, and the History of Disease Prevention


You certainly can develop Atherosclerosis on a Low Carb Meat Based Diet without ever touching a morsel of modern processed food.

A few quotes from one of my favorite blogs -

"previously reviewed the health of a number of primitive populations, including evidence from numerous preserved Inuit (Eskimo) mummies that predate western contact, demonstrating that without consuming a morsel of modern processed food throughout their entire lifetimes, the traditional Inuit developed atherosclerosis, osteoporosis, breast cancer and numerous other chronic and degenerative diseases that are evidently partly explained by their carnivorous diet. " (Emphasis Added)

"In 1949, a government survey found that in Okinawa, known to have the highest concentration of centenarians in the world, the population consumed about 85% of their total energy intake from carbohydrates, with the staple at the time being the sweet potato. The dietary survey also showed that the Okinawans derived about 9% of their energy intake from protein and less than 4% of energy from all sources of animal foods combined (Table 1).10 These findings were largely consistent with previous dietary surveys dating back to 1879 and 1919." (Emphasis Added)

(Traditional Diets in Asia Pacific and Implications for Health, and the History of Disease Prevention, Healthy Longevity, Web, Saturday, 24 November 2012)

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