Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Evidence for the Lipid Hypothesis: Review of Ignore the Awkward : Is Dr. Ravnskov als...

Evidence for the Lipid Hypothesis: Review of Ignore the Awkward : Is Dr. Ravnskov als...: OBSERVATIONAL EVIDENCE 1. Michael Brown and Joseph Goldstein discovered that the number of functional LDL receptors on the surface of cells...

Here's one of my favorite quotes from this excellent Blog -

"6. Atherosclerosis can be induced in a great variety of animal species including vegetarian and carnivore species (e.g. insects, birds, cats, dogs, non-human primates etc.) by raising serum cholesterol high enough and maintaining it long enough. Atherosclerosis can also be reversed by lowering TC enough and maintaining it long enough. The lipid deposits and foam cells disappeared but some fibrous tissue remained. Some species, such as the dog and rat, do not get elevated TC from a diet high in saturated fat and cholesterol. But when a way was found to elevate their TC they also developed atherosclerosis. This is so consistent no matter which species is tested that it appears to be a scientific law that elevated LDL can cause atherosclerosis.' (Emphasis Added)

Here's another quote from the Blog -

"12. In Chapter 3, Dr. Ravnskov was not thinking clearly when he tells us that people with familial hypercholesterolemia (FH) live just as long as others. In the study he cites to make this claim
it clearly says that the FH patients were taking statins.  3)" (Emphasis Added)


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