Sunday, January 20, 2013

New Blog - "resolvingthecontroversies" (The Cholesterol Wars, 2: Plant Positive – “Vegan Propaganda”)

This excellent blog does an excellent job in exposing some of the Misleading and Incorrect Information from The Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF).

Here is a quote from the Blog:

"Quoted from Weston A Price Foundation (WAPF), Myths & Truths About Nutrition :
Myth: Vegetarianism is healthy.
Truth: The annual all-cause death rate of vegetarian men is slightly more than that of non-vegetarian men (.93% vs .89%); the annual death rate of vegetarian women is significantly more than that of non-vegetarian women (.86% vs .54%) (Am J Clin Nutr 1982 36:873).”"

Here are some quotes from the link -

"The 1982 study that WAPF is interpreting at 7:49 above is from the journal article by Burr and Sweetnam, Vegetarianism, dietary fiber, and mortality(bold in abstract is mine):
 ”ABSTRACT A prospective study was set up to test the hypotheses that the risk of death from various diseases is reduced by a high intake of dietary fiber or by vegetarianism. A simple screening questionnaire was distributed among persons with a special interest in health foods, and 10,943 subjects were recruited and followed-up. Their mortality was ascertained by flagging their National Health Service records, and analyzed after 7 yr. A significant negative association was found between vegetarianism and mortality from ischemic heart disease which was especially marked among the men and did not seem to be due to a confounding effect of smoking. No significant associations were found with fiber, although persons who habitually ate wholemeal bread had a lower mortality from cerebrovascular disease. These findings confirm other evidence of a lower mortality from heart disease among vegetarians. “
Yep, that’s the same study alright, but from the abstract, the study authors (B/S, no slur intended) reached entirely different conclusions. So, OK, who’s right, WAPF or B/S? Here’s a screenshot from the journal PDF table 5 where we will find the source data for the dispute:" (Emphasis Added)
This is THE PART that WAPF  did not reveal.  This a quote from the blog -

"Now it becomes apparent that the vegetarians have a higher expected death rate than the omnivores: for males 2.10% vs 1.84%, for females 1.65% vs 0.99%!! But this is not because they don’t eat meat; it’s because, on the average, they’re older! DUH!! "

(The Cholesterol Wars, 2: Plant Positive – “Vegan Propaganda”, Dan Hunter, Web, January 20, 2013)

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